Monday, September 13, 2010

Im the bomb.

Most people see me as an innocent teenage girl. Involved in school sports, volunteering and doing well in all my academic courses. But what people don't know is a secret never before shared before this very day. See, I'm no ordinary girl, I have the power, and the ability of a remote control. Its really no big deal, I just know how to make life ten times better! I can pause, play, rewind, fast forward, mute, and pretty much anything your typical remote can do. I'm the bomb.
Its Monday morning, sitting in English class, listening to Mr.Van Camp drag on and on about absolutely nothing. Cracking his mediocre jokes, and blinding me with his shiny head. I decide to put my power to good use and mute my teacher. Whatever he's blabbing on about probably isn't all that important anyways. If in the future I need to look back on what he taught that class, I'll just rewind my day. Simple as that. Living a life like mine isn't always perfect, as one might see it.....Oh wait, yes it is! If I embrace my clumsiness by tripping over someones backpack, not a huge inconvenience, I will just pause then rewind. And correct myself for the next time some student leaves there bag in the middle of the hallway. If I find a conversation is going nowhere I can just PIP (picture-in-picture) the conversation. So I can not only catch up with an old friend, but update myself with the sports highlights as well. It's a win-win situation if you ask me. If such friend is one of my shy, more reserved types, I can just pump up the volume to hear the conversation better. I have no fears, no worries whatsoever, if I happen to be concerned about my defective, up-to-no-good brother, I can easily change the channel to revise my uneasy distress. BUT, with every super power there comes a weakness...Luckily, I don't have that weakness.