Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Megan, What??

I'm too good for words...
I shouldn't even have to write a college application letter. People are begging for me to attend their college. It's preposterous.  But I'll write one anyways, so I don't make other people feel bad about themselves. My name is Megan "The Best" Ehlers, Bill Gates gave me my middle name. But you probably already knew that because my name is in the dictionary. I am the best.

I am the reason that Waldo is hiding. I invented time, so I am in control of the time continuum . In the womb, I recited the alphabet...In Latin. When I laugh, I laugh in 40 different languages.  In addition, I came up with oxygen, so oxygen needs Megan Ehlers to survive. I am the best.
Oprah is jealous of me. Leap Year was created souly to enjoy one more day of Megan Ehlers in the year. As well, I know the last digit of pi. Back in the day, I compared notes with Einstein. I do not age. I can walk across the Atlantic ocean within a mere 2 hours, it takes me so long because I need to stop for a snack. On a good day I cure the common cold in minutes, perfect Eminem's raps on the spot and if it's a Tuesday, teach cats how to play the piano, like my cat Mozart. I am the best.

You know, come to think of it, I don't even know why I'm applying for your college. I am too overqualified to suit your school anyways. I'm known all over the world for my many accomplishments and achievements. I'm a big deal. I KNOW I am the best

1 comment:

  1. Megannnn is amazing and superb and intelligent and creative and kind and caring and energetic and talanted and athletic and lovley and driven and artistic. And every other great trait you could possibly think of. I wish I was more like Megan.
