Monday, November 1, 2010

Only in the Movies...

Powerful and intriguing! Two of many words used to describe Gary Sinise's remake movie,  "Of Mice and Men." John Steinbeck displays a novel of two Amercan men looking for work in the Great Depression. The comparison of the two, both the novel and movie shows great similarities! Sinise flashes his directing and acting skills to make a moving film inspired by many. His acting takes a lead through George Milton, a stubborn, small man with a big heart. His friendship follows though his life with his challenged friend Lennie Small. Sinise portrays a good job in showing George's protectiveness with Lennie. The last scene shown in both the movie and novel is Lennie's death. Sinise directs an impacting ending that shocks most viewers. Overall the movie was well directed. Sinise gets voted 5 stars for its compelling story line and full force acting skills.

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