Monday, November 1, 2010

She Is The Apple of My Eye :)

At the end of the day George hurriedly shuffles the horses back into their rightful stalls,  waiting for the apple of his eye to show her face once again.
"George?" asks Curley's wife. And as luck would have it, she stands there, seductively in the barn doorway waiting for her lover to turn around.
"Well aren't you just the bees knees darling, exclaims George. I thought you weren't going to show."
 "Well I'm here aren't I?" she snaps back.
George stands nervously in the barn, confused.
"I found another man George, and he's making the bacon, Curley's wife states. Money doesn't grow on trees, and you aren't providing for me. Do you catch my drift?"
Shock covers George's face. "My hands are tied baby, I'm already crossing the line sneaking around with you without Curley's knowledge.
She gives George the cold shoulder. "It's my way or the highway bub, I'm the cat's meow and my man knows that."
"Why don't you just see eye to eye with me?" cries George.
"Save the drama for your mama Georgey baby.When you separate the boys from the men, you just don't make the cut!"
This blows George away. He ponders, thinking he should show some backbone.
"You know, short pleasures are often long regretted, states George. So your right, chill out, and shove off. I have no need for you anyways!" "No use crying over spilled milk," said George.

Stiff as a board, Curley's wife stands staring, stoned face at the man she used to love.
"Hit the road Jack, pleads George. You've been hit with the ugly stick anyways!"
Curley's wife turns, and walks away, out the door that lead her into her fate.
"See you later alligator! yells George. Time to call it a day."

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