Tuesday, November 2, 2010

"You have barely said five words to me since you got home Bill," exclaimed Susan.

Bill picks up the daily newspaper and begins to scan the page. The couple sits in silence, both heads filled with thoughts and unanswered questions.

"Well...?" demands Susan.

"Why don't you just go ask Rob!" proclaims Bill.

Shock and confusion fills Susan's face.
"What on earth are you talking about?" asks Susan, "What does Rob have to do with anything?"

"I saw you talking to him earlier today, don't lie," Bill remarks.

Anger soon consumes her body as she rises from her seat, fixing her bunched up frills on the rim of her dress. She went speechless, she had nothing to say to her husband, except for six words.
Susan replies, "You want to know the truth?"
Bill gives a quick head nod demanding the truth.

1 comment:

  1. 4 of 4 assignments complete. Reasonable detail. Writing is quite polished. Stay in one tense in your dialogue - it switches. More specific examples in your film review would help. overall, pretty good effort. 38/48
